The University Library Belgrade has organised two Citizen Science workshops – a learning-by-doing event and a train-the-trainer event. The events were organised as part of the third project result of the CeOS_SE project, which aims to pilot citizen science activities and upskill academic library staff.
Workshop “Citizen Science: learning by doing”
On November 16th, 2022, the University Library “Svetozar Marković”, organized a workshop “Citizen science: learning by doing” in the format of an Open Knowledge Café. The workshop was attended by researchers from the University of Belgrade, librarians of higher education university libraries in Serbia, as well as librarians of the National Library of Serbia. Through the presentation of examples of good practice in citizen science generally, but also at the University of Belgrade and in the University Library “Svetozar Marković”, the concept of CS itself was presented to the attendees. During the discussion, the participants of the workshop presented a number of proposals for new projects and the involvement of citizens in scientific research.
Workshop “Citizen Science – train the trainers”
Also on the 16th November, 2022, the University Library organized a workshop “Citizen science – train the trainers” which was attended by librarians of academic libraries of universities in Serbia, researchers, as well as librarians of the National Library of Serbia. The focus of the workshop was to raise the level of knowledge about Citizen Science and the role of academic and public libraries in supporting CS and OS.
CeOS_SE will be trialling more learning-by-doing and training events across our members in Southeastern Europe in the coming months. Stay tuned for news!