Musical intelligence in the service of National Heritage: a Citizen Science activity

Libraries hold hidden treasures within their collections, often unbeknownst to the general public. They contain various types of materials that can serve as a basis for scientific research. Scientific studies can even be conducted on audio recordings, and the National and University Library in Zagreb has offered its audio recordings for a new citizen science […]

Citizen Science in curricula

Citizen science is one of the pillars of Open Science, and an important one too. Citizen science is enjoying a boost by organisations, institutions, and the European Union, further emphasising how important it is for the future of science. CeOS_SE project results 5 focused on the long-term sustainability of citizen science, starting with the Higher […]

Workshop Materials: How to Create a Citizen Science Kit for Your Library?

Workshop Materials: How to Create a Citizen Science Kit for Your Library? At the end of last year, on November 9th and 10th, 2023, the Let’s Go Green! 2023: The Second NSK International Green Libraries Conference was held at the National and University Library in Zagreb. The conference aimed to showcase examples of good practices, […]

Lessons learned from the CeOS_SE partners’ training activities

One of the main deliverables of the PR3 package, led by University of Turin (UT), partner of the Erasmus+ project Citizen-enhanced Open Science in Southeastern Europe Higher Education, was the training activity combined with a Learning by doing activity to support a genuine experience of Citizen Science (CS) activity. CeOS_SE project makes an effort to […]

The HAWathon – a Croatian crowdsourcing competition

Libraries can rely on crowdsourcing projects to support their business development, as demonstrated by the HAWathon project, whose data was used to build a digital thematic collection. The National and University Library in Zagreb  (NSK), relying on the knowledge gained from the CeOS_SE project, is the main organiser of the HAWathon project. Three departments of […]