Musical intelligence in the service of National Heritage: a Citizen Science activity

Libraries hold hidden treasures within their collections, often unbeknownst to the general public. They contain various types of materials that can serve as a basis for scientific research. Scientific studies can even be conducted on audio recordings, and the National and University Library in Zagreb has offered its audio recordings for a new citizen science […]

Citizen Science in curricula

Citizen science is one of the pillars of Open Science, and an important one too. Citizen science is enjoying a boost by organisations, institutions, and the European Union, further emphasising how important it is for the future of science. CeOS_SE project results 5 focused on the long-term sustainability of citizen science, starting with the Higher […]

Workshop Materials: How to Create a Citizen Science Kit for Your Library?

Workshop Materials: How to Create a Citizen Science Kit for Your Library? At the end of last year, on November 9th and 10th, 2023, the Let’s Go Green! 2023: The Second NSK International Green Libraries Conference was held at the National and University Library in Zagreb. The conference aimed to showcase examples of good practices, […]

Lessons learned from the CeOS_SE partners’ training activities

One of the main deliverables of the PR3 package, led by University of Turin (UT), partner of the Erasmus+ project Citizen-enhanced Open Science in Southeastern Europe Higher Education, was the training activity combined with a Learning by doing activity to support a genuine experience of Citizen Science (CS) activity. CeOS_SE project makes an effort to […]

Mind the Gap. Why not involve research libraries in Citizen Science?

Since the League of European Research Libraries (LERU) in 2016 recommended that research institutions (where viable) establish a single point of contact for citizen science at research institutions a lot has happened. Or not… Although some services or ‘hubs’ have appeared, the gold rush of Citizen Science running storm against the ivory towers didn’t materialize. […]

Citizen science at ULSIT: A tool for a better world to live in

Citizen science (CS) is a broad field with many aspects that confront the modern world with various challenges. The understanding and functions of the information society depend on the critical interpretation of the activities in this scientific field. ULSIT is a university that preserves spirituality and transmits it through the generations to move into the […]

ULSIT and the implementation of Open Science

ULSIT is a boutique university that preserves spirituality – the documents of the past to pass on to the modern world for the future. This is our mission in modern science – open to people. Students have the unique opportunity to familiarize themselves with authentic documentary evidence and to use the publicly available databases built […]

Libraries as Implementers of Citizen Science

Libraries can be implementers of Citizen Science and prove to be strong partners in supporting scientific research. To better explain this position to Croatian librarians, Dolores Mumelaš from the National and University Library in Zagreb has written and published a review article titled "Citizen Science and Libraries as its Implementers," and the highlighted conclusions are […]